Thursday, February 7, 2013

Preparation for Induction Workshop 12 Feb 2013

So the Doodle vote decided that the induction session will run on Tuesday 12 February between 4 and 5 PM.

Please prepare these things for the session:
  1. Make a wish list to share about what I want to get out of the process. How would I like the process to be and feel?
  2. Bring my calendar/diary so I can lock in some dates for future sessions.
  3. Think about what I can offer/bring to the group regarding my talents, etc. Is there a role I can play or would like to play? Is there something I'd like to try out this year in a safe "sandbox" environment?
Some examples could be:
  • Design a "futures wall", which is a physical collection of ideas, thoughts, intutions, articles etc. about the future of Hub.
  • Create an artwork or film 
  • Give a brief update to the Hub community every second mixed bag lunch.
  • Post updates on Yammer
  • Interview members of the Hub community or wisdom council about their view of the future of Hub.
  • Document / blog our journey
  • Keep us energized
  • Bake a cake
  • Gamify the involvement of other hubbers in the process
Please add more in comments if you have any cool suggestions...

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